Prima service! Snel tot een mach gekomen!
Een snelle reactie op onze aanmelding. Makkelijke, duidelijke en volledige manier van communiceren.
Super om dit te lezen!
Nog niet genoeg ervaring om er iets van te zeggen.
heel snel alles geregeld
Snelle reactie, alles goed geregeld, erg tevreden!
Little disappointed with the first candidate offered who did not return my messages or calls and was told by the agency when I raised a query that I was best to sort it out myself.
We can understand that you are disappointed in the help. However, we are dependent on the availability of the cleaners enrolled in your area. We expect the clleaner to take responsibility towards you and us. We see that you have now been matchted to a new candidate, and hope you have a nice cooperation with your help. Thanks for your feedback.
prima service
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